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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment (also known as Endodontics) is carried out to treat infection within the pulp of a tooth. Infections can occur for a number of reasons including tooth decay, injury, trauma and cracked or broken fillings. The infection will usually cause the tissues within the root canal to become tender and swollen and this can lead to pain and discomfort. An abscess may form if the infection spreads.

  • Remove infection in the root canals
  • Save natural teeth from extraction
  • Prevent infection from having more serious health consequences

Your root canal treatment team

Our root canal experts will provide precisely targeted treatment to remove the pain and discomfort of an out of control infection, while at the same time potentially saving the affected tooth.

  • Cutting edge root canal technology
  • Infection removed using painfree techniques
  • Emergency appointments available
patient smiling in an appointment at Dentist at Bridgford Dental Care

Root Canal Treatment at Bridgford Dental

Root canal treatment is essential if your tooth pulp becomes infected, as the infection may spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess. If root canal treatment (RCT) is not carried out, the infection will spread and the tooth may need to be taken out. The aim of the treatment is to remove all infection from the root canal. The root is then cleaned and filled to prevent any further infection.

What to expect during your root canal treatment

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Examination to assess the extent of the problem.

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Infected pulp removed and abscesses drained.

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Tooth saved whenever possible.

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Root canal aftercare guidance given.

Common Root Canal Treatment Questions

What happens during a root canal procedure?

Firstly your dentist will give you a local anaesthetic to make you comfortable and then isolate the tooth using a very thin piece of rubber. This helps prevent you from swallowing any small files or fluid through the procedure. It also helps contain the infection and keep the tooth dry from saliva. Through making an incision in the top of the tooth, the pulp can be removed and the canal(s) cleaned out using small files. After thorough cleaning, the canal(s) are filled and then the tooth is restored.

How many appointments will I need?

It is not uncommon to require a second visit to complete root canal treatment, especially where a tooth is severely damaged. Where a second visit is required, your dentist will use a temporary filling to seal the tooth to prevent any debris, or bacteria, from re-entering.

Is root canal treatment painful?

Most people report that the discomfort level of the procedure is similar to having a filling carried out. Your dentist will always try and keep you as comfortable as possible throughout. Following the procedure you may experience some discomfort for a few days. Your regular over the counter painkillers can be taken to help relieve this (always read the leaflet and follow dosage instructions). If your symptoms persist or get worse you are advised to contact your practice.

How will I take care of the treated area afterwards?

We’ll give you through aftercare guidance on how to look after the treated area immediately afterwards. However, moving forwards, it will be most important to maintain good oral hygiene. Any root treated tooth should be cleaned in the same way as the rest of your teeth.

Request a call back

If you would prefer a call back from one of our team you can do so online and a member of the team will be happy to call you back.

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    Ask the team a question

    Every patient is different, if you have a question you would like answering to help you to decide your next step please email one of the team today.

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